Thrive 2009
Hammond Area-Wide Women's Conference
Featuring: JINNY HENSON, Christian Comedian
May 2, 20099am-3pm
FirstBaptist Church Hammond, LA
*Doors will open at 8am for Registration/Continental Breakfast
REGISTRATION FEE INCLUDES: All day conference, Continental Breakfast, Lunch, Conference Materials, T Shirt.
Are the neighbor's children getting lost in your laundry pile?
Do your kids consider Hot Pockets a home-cooked meal?
Is your idea of a dream vacation a week of solitary confinement?
Then you AND your women's group need a weekend to more than survive....but to THRIVE.
God has designed women with a tremendous need for intimacy; with Him and others. The frantic pace we submerge ourselves in allows little time for this intimacy. Jinny tackles such topics as,"Sister-Friend;" The thirst for honest female friendship, "Mommy: Dearest?" The challenge of unconditionally loving and being loved by our Moms, "Lint balls in Prince Charming's Belly Button and Other Little Marital Surprises:" enough said...and finally "The Transforming, Poetic Passion of God."
Come for a weekend of intense encouragement in which God's word and Jinny's vulnerability will help lead you to a place where you can truly begin to thrive.
Come join us for a wonderful day of fellowship, worship, breakout sessions, speaker and comedian Jinny Henson, and more!
Learn how to THRIVE in your home, with your children, in your workplace, with your finances, and MORE during the breakout sessions.
Check out www.jinnyhenson.com for more information on Jinny!
Here's a recent video clip:
Organized by Crossroads Church Women's Ministry
Ticket Info: - Early Bird Conference Registration, $25.99
- Early Bird-Group Ticket, $20.99
- Conference Registration, $30.99
- Group Tickets, $25.99
Official Website: http://thrive2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com