Singapore, Central Singapore

Thrill the World 09 in Singapore is organised for the first time for the love of “Thriller” and finally putting those dance steps into motion. With the rest of TTWs from around the world, we are attempting to break world record once again for the Largest Simultaneous Dance with Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”.

Besides it being a tribute to our dear Michael Jackson, the whole idea which Ines Markeljevic had created, is to connect people in fun, dance and celebration, and that ANYONE, yes ANYONE can dance.

TTW09 Singapore is a non-profit event, started out purely for the goodness of fun. All are welcomed to dance with us.

2009 is a sad year where we lost the Greatest Entertainer of our generations. Michael Jackson will be remembered and his music will continue to bring people together and closer.

TTW09 Singapore is dedicated to him and with that, we will celebrate his legacy. Bring on those dancing shoes!

Visit http://app.formassembly.com/forms/view/103264 to register; and
for more information, please visit us on www.ttwsingapore.wordpress.com.

Official Website: http://www.ttwsingapore.wordpress.com

Added by kingdomformydonkey on September 8, 2009