North Fork Drive
Three Rivers, California 93271

Presentations on the Environment including:
Bee colony collapse and honey-making, All about owls, Solar cooking,Book-signing History of Yokohl Valley by Scott Barker, Home and garden art, Information on green home options, Wastewater treatment innovations, Native plant gardening, Community Supported Agriculture, Free door prizes

Saturday activities collaborate with the California Native Plant Society with a native plant sale, from 9-1 pm, in the back courtyard of the Arts Center, and the Alta Peak Chapter Fall Program presented at 2 pm by John Muir Laws, teacher, artist and author of the Laws Guide to the Sierra Nevada.

All of Saturday’s events are free and open to all.

Green Home Tour on Sunday October 4.
Call Mona Selph to reserve tickets.

Official Website:

Added by cort cottage on September 27, 2009

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