"Threat Management for Personal Defense" class
Presented by two experts - a lawyer and police trainer, and a public safety and civilian self defense instructor - attorney and police firearms instructor Steve Eichelberger, and decorated former deputy sheriff and civilian self defense instructor Jesse Lawn, author of the book "Recognizing and Managing Aggression."
You will learn practical legal and tactical principles of self-defense, and how to defend yourself whether you are armed or not. You will participate in short scenario-based role-play drills where you learn how to recognize pre-assault indicators, and how to manage the first few moments of a violent attack with defensive countermeasures. You will also learn legal and psychological skills to survive the aftermath.
"Steve Eichelberger and Jesse Lawn of CQC Solutions will be presenting "Threat Management for Personal Defense"… These classes build on use of force principles and include hands-on physical scenarios for you to test those principles…and are well worth the time." Brady Wright, Armed Citizens' Legal Defense Network
Chapter 1: Managing Threats - basic use of force principles with hands-on physical scenarios
Chapter 2: Managing Lethal Threats - deadly force principles with hands-on physical scenarios and live-fire shoot/don't shoot decision-making
Chapter 3: Manage Any Threat With What You Have - scenario problem solving
WHEN:1:00 pm to 5:00 pm on June 2, 2012
WHERE:Albany Rifle and Pistol Club
29999 Saddle Butte Rd.
Shedd, OR 97377
COST:$99 for advance registration; $110 at the door
$89 in advance $99 at the door for ARPC members
REGISTER:eserve a place by paying on line at http://www.jesselawn.com/calendar.htm
CONTACT: irearms.instructor@comcast.net
EQUIPMENT: Defensive handgun
At least one magazine for semi-auto
50 rounds training ammo
Any holster - must remain open after drawing
Belt to support holster
Baseball style hat
Eye protection (safety glasses)
Ear protection (muffs preferred over plugs plugs)
Drivers license or state ID
Official Website: http://goo.gl/qPykn
Added by GetPromotd Services on May 9, 2012