511 Starr St.
Corpus Christi, Texas 78401

Is coming to the House of Rock and transforming the stage into a Gothic Castle for it's Fashion Showcase!!! An entire new fashion line will be debuted!

Followed by a performance from:
Side Show Frank & his Human Suspension Team!

We will also be accepting easy open nonperishable healthy snacks for the Food Bank of Corpus Christi to help them reach their goal to feed our lower income students with their Student Backpack Snack Program!!!

This event will be free to the public only charging $5 for those under 21. If you would like info on sponsering this event of simply donating to help fund the event, please contact Marche at : threads4theundead@yahoo.com

Come out and have the time of your life!!!

Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/marchesthreads4theundead

Added by Threads4theUndead on August 11, 2008