We are pleased to announce a FABULOUS EVENT - the latest incarnation of our surreal performance series at OmniCircus
With a special laboratory performance of a BOB PARIS & FRANK GARVEY collaboration ATK OPERA>
Join DeusMachina with opening act - singer-songwriter STEVE> HART> March 14 @ 8pm> at OmniCircus>
SEX, ROBOTS and ROCK-N-ROLL in a unique surreal cabaret!
Come help us celebrate the poetry of the urban night -
Featuring the ROBOTIC ENSEMBLE of the OmniCircus and the DeusMachina Band with
the Exterminating Angel of GHETTO LIBRETTO Joan LOON
the Thundering LORD of the Demi-MONDE Geoffrey POND> the Right REVEREND of the FIERY FALL -> Stuart HALL> the Lissome Ligature of LUMINANCE -> Harry ROCHE> the Amazonian Queen of Knock-yer-Vox-Off -> Legore the MAGNIFICENT> SARGENT-at-ARMS of the CHURCH of the 7th BARDO -> ARCHDUDE GARVEY> plus the LADIES Auxiliary of the> JUNIOR DRAGONS of MYSTERY> the Highly Sexually Sought-after CAN'T AFFORDIAN of the> ACCORDIAN -> SPACE KAT THOMAS> and the LORD of LOW-DOWN -> LINDEN> ...and a very special appearance by the Guru of Unholy> Groundlings,> the Terror and FIRST RESPONSE PUNISHER of all Evolutionary> LOTTERY LOSERS such as SMALL MAMMALS, BIRDS, MICE and> FLEAS...> SIR MONKEY!> opening for us is the sinful singer-songwriter -> STEVE HART
$5 - 15 sliding scale donation Please call 415-701-0686 for> more> information.
Added by 200pockets on March 13, 2009