"This Is Spinal Tap" is an American rock musical mockumentary directed by Rob Reiner about the fictional heavy metal band Spinal Tap. The film satirizes the wild personal behavior and musical pretensions of hard-rock and heavy-metal musical bands, as well as the hagiographic tendencies of rock documentaries of the time. Rated R, 1984
The Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center, in partnership with Guitar Player Magazine, presents Guitar Player LIVE! A guitar festival that brings together players, music lovers, guitar legends, and exhibitors for a celebration of music inspired by guitars — free live performances, free artist clinics, the latest gear and more. The weekend kicks off with a concert by legendary rock guitarists Ronnie Montrose and Gary Hoey, and closes with Guitar Player Magazine’s sixth annual Guitar Superstar Competition. Enjoy local bands on outdoor stages during the afternoon, mingle with guitarists, band members, and music enthusiasts at post-show parties, and rock the past with late night screenings of two guitar-inspired films, “This is Spinal Tap” and “The Wall.”
Official Website: http://www.livermoreperformingarts.org/calendar/view.asp?id=1771
Added by nancyjm1960 on August 20, 2010