This group has been formed to bring together Thirty Day Challengers in the San Diego area so we can meet face-to-face, share knowledge and ideas, swap stories and have some fun along the way!
This year's TDC looks to be the best ever for both seasoned veterans & newbies. This is one of the best educations in Internet Marketing available out there ... and can you say FREE?
The people involved are brilliant, creative, talented and have good senses of humor - a mix that makes for a wonderful experience.
Let's get together and show the world just how great the San Diego Thirty Day Challengers are!
Thursday, 08/07/08 - one week into the Challenge!
Mission Bay/Tecolote Shores North: located just south of the Hilton Hotel in East Mission Bay. Take I-5 to the Clairemont Drive Exit, head West to East Mission Bay, then south past the Hilton. Parking is free in these lots.
BYOB and an appetizer to share - super casual! We will meet on the lawn area so bring a beach chair or blanket to sit on.
Added by CoronadoCookie on August 1, 2008
Would love to connect with this group, but will be out of town. Perhaps there will be another one scheduled in the future...
We are meeting in a parking lot with an appetizer? I say we should meet and go to a bar/restaurant around the area. 6pm is around happy hour time!?!
Thanks for taking the lead and making this happen Corinne - looking forward to meeting you all there...
Yea is it a tail gater party? How about in La Jolla or somewhere in between north county and SD for us commuters?
Hi everyone,
This area has grass lawns along the edge of Mission Bay so it will be more of a "picnic" atmosphere.
I'll post TDC signs to mark the spot - looking forward to meeting everyone!
I will be driving down from Santa Barbara. Can I get a little more detail, such as location, directions, start and stop times, etc.
I am new to this and any info would help greatly. Also could a response also be sent to my main Email at
Thanks in advance
I live in Redlands. I'd love to be there on Aug 7th, but that day is my son's birthday.
I'd like to be kept in the loop so
I can make the next get together!
Looking forward to it
Is this going to be an outdoor event?