432 Richards Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3L5

PLEASE RSVP for this FREE SOCIAL MEDIA EVENT AT: http://thirdtuesdayvancouver.com


As more marketers become aware of them, the web's new influencers have been as difficult to contact as journalists. The demand for their attention is as high, and their inbox is as full as the average reporter's.

How do you cut through the noise and get a popular blogger's attention? You have to be creative, authentic and tenacious. Darren will present a case study of a recent marketing campaign for a BC startup, where a little ingenuity helped grab the attention of some prominent bloggers.

Darren's Bio:

Darren is a writer, marketer and technologist. He's spent the last decade working for technology companies in Canada and Europe. He regularly speaks about marketing and Web 2.0, and he helped found Northern Voice, Canada's social media conference. He recently wrote an ebook about social media marketing called "Getting to First Base".

He's currently expanding the ebook for publication as a dead-tree book for No Starch Press. Darren maintains a personal blog at www.DarrenBarefoot.com.

We look forward to seeing you at the next Third Tuesday Vancouver!

Tanya & Monica

Official Website: http://thirdtuesdayvancouver.com

Added by netchick on May 12, 2008