525 New Jersey Ave
Washington, District of Columbia 20001

Organizer: Heartland Institute. The purpose of the Third International Conference on Climate Change is to expose Congressional staff and journalists to leading scientists and economists in the nation’s capital. Senators and Representatives will be invited to speak side-by-side with leading scientists and economists. The conference’s theme will be “Climate Change: Scientific Debate and Economic Analysis.” The theme reflects the fact that the scientific debate is not over and that economic analysis is more important than ever, now that legislation is being seriously considered. The real science and economics of climate change support the view that global warming is not a crisis and that immediate action to reduce emissions is not necessary. This is, in fact, the emerging consensus view of scientists outside the IPCC and most economists outside environmental advocacy groups.

Official Website: http://www.heartland.org/events/WashingtonDC09/index.html

Added by insideronline on May 28, 2009