May 20 (Friday): 6:30 pm sign in, 7 pm start
Central Park - East end of 102nd Street Transverse (Manhattan)
Who will emerge victorious? Will a fixie prove the superiority of his/her bike handling skills? Will a coastie spank the attitude out of all fixie comers? Come join us for the Third Annual NYC Coasties vs. Fixies Criterium Smackdown and find out! NO GEARS! Bring your coaster-braked, 1 speed machine and/or your fixed gear bike for an evening of gut-wrenching fun! Main event is a 3-lap race around the northern loop of the Park, starting and ending in the 102nd Street transverse. Prizes! Special guests! Skid competition! Come see what you?re made of. Please wear a helmet so we don?t end up seeing what you?re made of. Pre-registration is preferred, which you accomplish by e-mailing your particulars to: Dr. Hans Noodleman, Research Director The Institute of Primitive Cycling Technology
6 train to 103rd Street
The Institute of Primitive Cycling Technology
Added by harrisj on April 26, 2005