6536 Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, California 94609

The Doula School presents:

Thinking of Becoming a Doula

Sun, Apr 10, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Oakland

MORE INFO: http://www.thedoulaschool.com

Thinking of Becoming A Doula?

Always dreamed of attending births?

Do you want to support pregnant women and new families during the transition from pregnancy to parenthood? Do you want women centered work? Come and explore becoming a Doula. We will discuss Birth and Postpartum Doula training and living the Doula lifestyle. Let's see if being a Doula is right for you.

Treesa Mclean is a Birth and Postpartum Doula and Doula Educator with over 20 years experience and a thriving practice supporting families in the Bay Area. I designed The Doula School (TDS), a comprehensive Doula Training and Certification process for women who want to provide the best care for their clients and grow a successful Doula practice of their own.

Sunday, April 10

Change Makers
6536 Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, CA, 94609


Website: http://www.thedoulaschool.com
Email: treesa.mclean@sbcglobal.net
Phone: 510-728-8513

About The Doula School:
The Doula School Birth and Postparum Doula Education and Certification program. Our comprehensive program uses a variety of styles to teach both the academic and practical skills needed to begin practicing as a Doula. You will aquire the skills needed to succeed at supporting pregnant women and their families during pregnancy, birth and early parenting.

Added by nancytubbs on March 26, 2005

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