It usually starts small perhaps running a few errands or preparing some meals. Maybe you dont even see yourself as a caregiver yet. Or sometimes the changes can be more dramatic and sudden. But as your loved ones age they will need more help. And perhaps you will too. It can be a struggle to maintain independence, know what resources are available to help, and how to navigate the system. Have you thought about:
What are your options when someone requires daily assistance?
What sorts of support and resources are available locally?
What you can do to plan ahead?
If you currently provide care for an aging loved one, or expect to do so in the next few years, come learn about the information, services and resources available in your community.
For more information, visit www.oregonspromise.org or www.aarp.org/caregiving
Free educational forum and resource fair.
Get information and learn about the services and community resources available to help you and your aging loved one maintain independence and meet changing care needs.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
5 to 8:30 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Check-in, refreshments, resource fair
5:30 8:00 p.m.
Educational forum
8:00 8:30 p.m.
Resource fair
Smullin Health Education Center
2825 E Barnett Road
Medford, Oregon 97504
Refreshments will be served.
Presented by AARP Oregon,the Campaign for Oregon's Seniors and People with Disabilities, RSVP of Josephine County and Rogue Valley Council of Governments - Area Agency on Aging.
Organized by AARP Oregon & PartnersAARP Oregon andthe Campaign for Oregon's Seniors and People with Disabilities.
Ticket Info: 3 31 09 Thinking & Preparing Ahead: Medford, Free
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/279527073/upcoming