Charlie Davies and Matt Weston are putting on a third
"Think what you would do if only you
had the money then figure out
how you can do it anyway"
workshop next Tuesday 3 April, 7pm.
13 Brunswick Square (see for a guide to finding your way)
Bring ideas (+ £2).
Or a helpful attitude (+ £0).
e.g. Stuart will probably want some feedback on his tool-sharing website, which he started after the first "Think what you would do if only you had the money then figure out how you can do it anyway". And Danny may want some input on his Geek Wine Tasting idea (and, hopefully, might bring some wine). Charlie wants some help with an idea for making it easy to run tiny community projects in Brighton. Matt wants some help with how to make giant noticeboards.
Apart from the massed skills of the people in the room (which will probably be the most helpful thing on offer), there will be:
-> one big whiteboard
-> paper
-> a flipchart
-> a stack of chairs
-> some tables
-> wifi
-> pens
-> possibly a sewing machine
-> anything else you bring that you think might be useful
And the format of the evening:
-> short intro talk at 7pm by Charlie
("Everything We've Figured Out So Far About Thinking About What You Would Do If Only You Had The Money And Then Figuring Out How You Can Do It Anyway: everything useful from the first two twywdioyhtmtfohycdia workshops, about five months of occasional research and about 5,000 words of text distilled into about seven minutes.)
-> chit chat
-> open space workshop
Most of the evening will be set up as an easy way of helping people out or getting help from people on half-done projects or ideas or whatever. This will probably be based on a variation on the Open Space Technology:
(draw a map on the wall of things people might want to work on / talk about/ find out about......have a 20 minute session where people choose to work on whichever thing is most useful/interesting......come back and see if anything useful happened.....choose next most interesting thing....go away for another 20 minutes.....etc)
or we might do something completely different depending on who turns up and what's useful.
And afterwards, we'll go to The Farm pub, round the corner.
Blurbs from the last two workshops (these might help explain more what "Think what you would do if only you
had the money then figure out
how you can do it anyway" is about):
Mar 1
Jan 16
Added by charliedavies on March 13, 2007