490 Riverside Drive (at 120th Street)
New York, New York

WHAT: Reverend Al Sharpton and Newark Mayor Corey Booker will be among the dignitaries leading a day-long forum at the Riverside Church called Think Outisde the Cell. This national symposium on issues affecting the incarcerated, the formerly incarcerated and their families is presented the Think Outside The Cell Foundation, in full partnership with The Fortune Society, The College and Community Fellowship and The Riverside Church Prison Ministry.
WHEN: September 24, 2011; 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: The Riverside Church, West 120th Street and Riverside Drive, Manhattan


CONTACT: For information go to www.thinkoutsidethecell.org or call 877-267-2303

Added by Alyssa Markowitz on August 30, 2011

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