515 West Hastings
Vancouver, British Columbia

Free event.
Settling the Tsawwassen Treaty represents a historic first. It is the first modern-day opportunity in Canada to settle an outstanding land claim with a First Nation in an urban context.

If this treaty is adopted it will not only result in substantial change for the Tsawwassen First Nation, but also for the entire region.
The SFU Graduate Program in Public Policy and Think City present a free public forum on the potential impact of this and other urban land
claims on Vancouver and Lower Mainland cities.

Moderator: Tony Penikett
Author, Reconciliation: First Nations Treaty Making
Kim Baird, Chief, Tsawwassen First Nation
Doug McArthur, Professor, SFU Graduate Program in Public Policy
Harold Steves, Richmond City Councillor
Bill Tieleman, 24 Hours Newspaper Columnist and Media Commentator

Register to attend this free event. Call 604-216-7246,
email info@thinkcity.ca, or visit www.thinkcity.ca.

Official Website: http://thinkcity.ca/

Added by PhillipDjwa on March 21, 2007

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