254 West 29th St.
New York City, New York 10001

Magnet Theater hosts a variety of performances and special events by the best of New York’s improv masters and visiting international artists on Mondays through Sundays at 254 W. 29th Street, ground floor (between 7th and 8th Avenues), NYC. A detailed schedule and description of each night’s line-up can be found at www.magnettheater.com. Ticket prices vary; reservations are recommended and can be made by calling (212) 244-8824.

THEORY OF EVERYTHING every Saturday at 7:30pm; Tickets $7
Three Magnet instructors wrestle with the gods and let them win in this fully improvised show about anything and everything. Featuring Mark Grenier, Louis Kornfeld, and Charlie Whitcroft.

Added by jlsadlowski on May 10, 2011