The American Museum of Natural History will officially reopen the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial, including a new exhibition that highlights Roosevelt's journey from budding naturalist to Conservation President, on October 27, Theodore Roosevelt's 154th birthday. Enjoy a festive day of activities including: Discover artifacts and dioramas connected to Theodore Roosevelt on free guided tours of the Museum; See live-animal presentations featuring hawks, falcons, and owls led by experts from the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary and Audubon Center, Explore birds of Central Park on walks with knowledgeable guides, bring in your feathers, bones, and plants to share with Museum ornithologists, mammalogists, and botanists at a special edition of 'Identification Day,' Find out how to join iNaturalist, a social network for naturalists to share observations and to learn about biodiversity, Watch special performances by the Central Park Zoo's Wildlife Theater, Try hands-on activities such as leaf-printing, start a nature journal, or attend a poetry workshop, Enjoy musical performances by ragtime pianist Terry Waldo and more.
Added by Upcoming Robot on October 16, 2012