Central Park West
New York, New York 10023

This hall is a tribute to Theodore Roosevelt (1858--1919), and the contributions he made to city, state and nation through the many roles he played during his life. Born in New York City and raised in Oyster Bay, Long Island, Roosevelt became involved in New York City and State government, and went on to serve as Vice President and later, President of the United States. He was a pioneer of the conservation movement and had been involved with the American Museum of Natural History since his childhood -- the original charter creating the Museum was signed in his family home in 1869.

Added by Upcoming Robot on August 30, 2009


PePs X

The perfect way to celebrate the after-effects of X-Mas! Free Ska show means you have more money to spend on alcohol and you can buy your ska buddies drinks and skank your butt off drunk dancing to the beats! ha ha!