Ryerson University
George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre
245 Church St.
Room ENG 288 / 289
Enter at Northwest Corner of Building.
Topic Lightning Talks: What I Learned at XP Day
Presenter: Various, Intelliware Development
XP Day Toronto 2007 is coming up this Saturday, May 12th. Several Intelliware folks who'll be attending have volunteered to participate in a Lightning Talks session on what they learned at the event. The topics have yet to be determined of course, we'll figure that out on Monday.
The format will be a short 5 minute presentation for each topic followed by 10 to 15 minutes of Q&A. There'll be 4 to 5 topics.
This session will be highly interactive and will be interesting for both those who are unable to attend XP Day this Saturday as well as those planning to be there.
Added by libinpan on May 14, 2007