Since its debut earlier this year, The World has been drawing a steady crowd to Midtown West. Sharing space with the Improv Café, next door to The World Famous New York Improv, the stand-up comedy organization performs 16 shows weekly, featuring a good mix of comedians you’ll recognize from Comedy Central, Last Comic Standing, radio and the late night talk shows, as well as the best of the up-and-comers from the NYC underground circuit. Local comedian Aaron Haber hosts performers including: Al Lubel (Tonight Show, Late Show w/ David Letterman); Pat Dixon (1/2 Hour Comedy Central Special); Greer Barnes (Chappelle’s Show); Tim Warner (Laugh Off 2006 Semi-Finals); Lisa Landry (1/2 Hour Comedy Central Special); Joe Devito (Comedy Central, Montreal Just for Laughs Comedy Festival); Dean Obidallah (Comedy Central); Josh Spear (Late Night w/ Conan O'Brien); and many more!
Added by dirtyscrunchie on October 23, 2006