THE WORLD AS TEXT is a summer reading room and exhibition featuring over seventy-five contemporary artist’s book, zines, exhibition catalogs and alternative publications. The innovative reading room is designed by artist John Preus, in collaboration with students from the Columbia College Chicago departments of Art + Design and Interdisciplinary Art. A hybrid space crafted out of re-purposed materials to amplify connections between the action of reading and the activity of performance, the reading room features books that were selected by guest curators and contributors including Temporary Services, Maria Fusco, Sarah Bodman, Buzz Spector, Tate Shaw, Doro Boehme and Emily McVarish.
THE WORLD AS TEXT features a concurrent exhibition of works by artists culled from the reading room, curated to amplify the connections between book practices and interdisciplinary art making. Artists include Edie Fake, Joseph Grigely, Dianna Frid, Heidi Norton and Rebecca Mir.
June 16–August 12
Opening reception: June 16, 5–8 p.m.
Gallery hours: Monday–Saturday 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
•Music/Poetry performance: at 3-5 p.m. on June 18 at Center for Book and Paper Arts, 1104 S Wabash, 2nd Floor; featuring music John Preus, Theaster Gates & Sarah Lawrence, with poets selected by Poetry magazine.
•“On Furniture” panel discussion: at 6 p.m. on June 21 at Center for Book and Paper Arts, 1104 S Wabash, 2nd Floor; Is the relationship between art and craft a collision, collusion, collaboration or constellation? Panelists include John Preus, Kevin Henry, Lane Relyea and Shannon Stratton
•“Re-reading the Artist’s Book” panel discussion: at 6 p.m. on July 14 at Center for Book and Paper Arts, 1104 S Wabash, 2nd Floor; an artists’ book show and tell featuring guest curators from THE WORLD AS TEXT. Panelists include Doro Boehme, Alex Gartelmann and Martine Syms
•Curator Tour: at 6pm on July 19; led by Jessica Cochran, curator of exhibitions and programs
Official Website:
Added by mediarelationsasst on May 25, 2011