Explore spinning, weaving, knitting and crocheting. Let your passion for your craft enrich your experience of life and community. Use intention and affirmation in the process of creating a knitted object so that it retains meaning and significance for yourself or to whomever you give it. Play with colour, techniques and “magic knitting.” Your craft will improve, and in the process your hobby will become a form of meditation. Trace the roots of wool from sheep to finished product with excursions to the charming sheep and alpaca farms of Cortes Island. Wherever fibre crafters gather a community emerges—share ideas, patterns, tips and camaraderie in the company of other ‘Woolies’. Bring any projects you are currently working on and an eagerness to try new techniques. All levels of experience welcome.
TUITION: $225 CDN, $208 US (meals & accommodation extra), 3 nights
Judy Frabotta has been an avid knitter since the age of seven. She can’t remember a time when she wasn’t fascinated by all things fibre, including crochet and recently, spinning. Professionally, she coaches individuals and organizations on setting and achieving their goals.
Added by curlysalamander on July 7, 2007