As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu:
Insha' Allah, we are stepping out on our FAITH this year. We recognize that the world's back is up against the wall and that we Muslims must step up to the plate. Our Lord has created us to worship Him and to establish His Deen over all other deens. This year's conference is dedicated to this end! Our goal is to make suggestions that will form a catalyst that will enable us to forge ahead with this serious work. The world needs Allah (SWT) and Islam, an dit is EVERY Muslim's sworn duty to meet this challange or die trying! What difference will you make? What will you send forth for the morrow?
Our Duties to a World in Crises.
Please direct any questions or concerns to
womens_committee@hotmail.com .
Organized by Women's Committee of Masjid As-Saffat
Ticket Info: - Early Bird, $79.42
- Early Bird Registration - Juniors, $79.42
- Late Registration, $100.00
- Late Registration - Juniors, $100.00
Official Website: http://womenscommittee-upcoming.eventbrite.com