The Woman's Century Club and Reel Grrls invite the public to the club's annual May celebration featuring "The Fifth Star," a short documentary honoring the suffragists, created by the young women filmmakers of Reel Grrls.
In the film, 18-year-old Naomi Nelson learns about the suffragists and interviews women active in politics today, all in preparation for casting her first ballot. The film's title comes from suffragists' practice of marking states on the map with a star when they granted women the right to vote; Washington State was the fifth, in 1910.
Staff and filmmakers from Reel Grrls will attend, with Q&A following. All ages are welcome. Light refreshments will be served. To RSVP, email or call 206.322.9565.
The celebration will also honor members of the Woman's Century Club who have decided to become lifetime members. The club, founded in 1891 by suffragist Carrie Chapman Catt, will mark its 120th anniversary in Seattle this year. Members gather monthly for a luncheon or educational/cultural program in the parlor of the Harvard Exit theater, which was built by the Woman's Century Club in 1925 to serve as its clubhouse; the club's emblem can still be seen above both entrances. Although ownership has since changed, the club retains the lifetime right to meet at the theater.
Reel Grrls is an award-winning Seattle-based program that helps young women ages 9-19 realize their power, talent, and influence through media production. Participants develop lasting relationships with women filmmakers and learn skills that propel them to leadership roles in their community, college scholarships, and careers in the media industry. For more information, visit
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on May 16, 2011