“A fast-moving, engrossing multiple-character drama that brings the AIDS crisis of the 1980s into laser focus.”—Variety
Set during the onset of the AIDS epidemic, The Witnesses follows a young man, Manu, who arrives in Paris hoping to become a chef and catches the eye of an older, wealthy doctor one night while out cruising. The doctor introduces him to a young couple in an open marriage, and Manu begins an affair with the husband. When Manu becomes ill, all the characters search for meaning while contemplating what awaits them. With Michel Blanc, Emmanuelle Beart, and Julie Depardieu. Techiné’s Strayed screened at the Wexner Center in 2004. (112 mins., 35mm)
Official Website: http://www.wexarts.org/fv/index.php?eventid=2421
Added by Wexner Center on August 28, 2007