261 Broad St
Windsor, Connecticut 06095

The Windsor Chamber of Commerce presents the 2010 "You Asked For It" Business Seminar Series. Choose the topics that will benefit you, your employees and you business.
The cost is $15 for one person, $5 for each additional employee (snack & beverage included). For more information call 860-688-5165 or go to www.WindsorCC.org.

March 1 : Accounting For Small Business: 8:30 am
This seminar will include all the topics you need to keep your business finances running smoothly.

· Business Entity options

· Bookkeeping and record keeping

· Sales tax issues

· Deductible and non deductible expenses

· Sources of funds

· Depreciation of equipment

· Loan applications

· Retirement plans

· Purchase or sale of the business

· State and federal income taxes

· Taking money out of the business

- Presented by Tim Reynolds of Viola, Chrabascz, Reynolds & Co. LLP

March 1 : Business Plan 101: 10:30 am
Get your business off to a good start with a business plan that is realistic, thorough and gives you a working document by which to run your business.

Developing a business plan is one of the most important challenges you will face as an entrepreneur. The process of developing a good business plan requires an understanding and appreciation for the tools required to do it right. You have a business idea, but now you need a business plan--maybe for financing, or to help you manage day-to-day operations. A business plan can be the most important tool a small business owner develops and owns. How should you begin? This course will help you determine the elements for your plan and provide insights for putting your plan on paper.

Presented By Gary Roman of Windsor Federal Savings.

March 1 : How To Work With The Media : 1:30
How To Work With The Media: Promoting Your Business On a Budget

- Presented By Chris Watts of Precision Marketing, LLC

March 1 : What Do You Owe Your Employees? : 3:30 pm
Do any of these scenarios apply to you?

· You're debating on laying someone off and the person you've targeted just happens to be over 40, or a woman, or a minority

· You have just been informed by a trusted employee that she was sexually harassed by a long time customer of your business .and she demands to know what you are going to do about it.

· You've terminated an employee who owes you money you're thinking about deducting it from his final check.

· You just hired someone and then find out he has a non-compete with a previous employer that is being violated.

· You see a lot of employees surfing the net during work hours so you're contemplating putting in software that will monitor their activities.

Wouldn't you love to hear what an expert in employment law would have to say? Attorney Rob Fortgang will address issues related to severance pay, unemployment compensation, non-compete agreements, workplace discrimination, pay disputes - including overtime, commissions, bonuses and ...much more. If you have other questions you'd like Rob to touch on, he invites you to shoot him an e-mail rob@fortgangemploymentlaw.com

- Presented by Attorney Rob Fortgang of Robert Fortgang Associates

March 8 : Social Networking 101 : 4:00 pm
Learn all you need to know about social networking to help your business grow!

Get into the swing of things and use social networks to build rapport with prospects and clients, learn more about your customers, share information about your products and services, and more.

This seminar will include a How-To segment and Discussion panel on three of the most popular social networks:

· Facebook

· Twitter

· Linked In

If you have a wifi-enabled laptop, you can sign up for social media accounts and follow along with other examples in real time.

- Presented by John Waiveris, Invisible Gold; Paula Pierce, Hosting CT; and Andrew Garibay, ALG Designs

March 22 : The Challenges of a Home Based Business : 4:00 pm
The Challenges of a Home Based Business - There are many pros and cons to running a business from your home. This panel of home based business owners will discuss the daily challenges a home based business owner faces.

- Presented by Michael Raphael, Jerry Wistrom, Chris Watts & Judy Stickels

Official Website: http://windsorcc.org

Added by Artist2 on February 26, 2010

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