'The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle' is an interdisciplinary, multimedia theatrical production based on the internationally acclaimed novel by Haruki Murakami, one of Japan's most celebrated writers. Inspired by Murakami's visionary style, director Stephen Earnhart combines dazzling elements of live performance, live music, puppetry and dance/movement with cinematic (or "cutting edge") video and audio technology to create a hypnotic "theatre of dreams". At once a detective story, an account of a disintegrating marriage and an excavation of buried secrets from World War II, this surreal mystery follows an unassuming "everyman," Toru Okada, as he searches for his wife who has inexplicably vanished. Toru soon encounters a cast of strange characters, each with their own intriguing stories, who begin showing up in his dreams, opening doors to a hallucinatory world charged with sexuality and violence.
Added by Upcoming Robot on January 2, 2010