The Wealth of Networks: Digital Economies and the Next-generation Internet
Bringing together researchers, industry and the UK community to explore the future of the Digital Economy in the UK.
You are invited to help shape the future of the Internet
9.30am-5pm, 24th March, 2009
The Congress Centre, London
Host: ECS, University of Southampton
Participating Institutions: Imperial College London, Oxford University, University of Southampton
Sponsor: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
The EPSRC-funded Digital Economies Research Cluster, "Opportunities and Challenges in the Digital Economy: an Agenda for the Next-Generation Internet"
announces an open forum to shape the direction of research into the
digital economy in the UK. This will be a national event which will
bring together leaders in research and industry from across the UK in
conversation with the general public. We welcome a broad range of views
from everyone interested in the future of the Internet and the digital
The keynote address will be given by Prof. John Domingue (Open University), Deputy Director of the Knowledge Media Institute.
The forum continues a discussion begun at the first Wealth of Networks meeting in July. It will feature open panel discussions with cluster researchers and industry leaders.
Topics will include:
Next-generation Healthcare
Digital Entrepreneurship
The Mobile Economy
Trust, Data and Security
e-Society and the future of social networks
These discussions will contribute to setting the national funding council priorities for
future research.
Attendance is free, but pre-registration is required.
Organized by ECS, University of SouthamptonThe
School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of
Southampton is the UKs leading academic department integrating
computer science, electronics, and electrical engineering. With over
500 researchers in the School, ECS has unrivalled depth and breadth of
expertise in world-leading research, new developments and their
Ticket Info: free, Free
Official Website: http://wealthofnetworks2-upcoming.eventbrite.com