5020 S Cornell Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60615

The Center presents 'The Way Things Are,' a temporal, site-specific installation by Bob Peters and David Schutter.

Added by Upcoming Robot on February 23, 2010



Anyone interested in Running/Organizing/Helping with an Amateur Radio Booth? This should have kits, demo's, Get on the air, TV, and show how easy getting a license is.
73s. KG6BSD


Adam, I'd love to. Do you already have anything in the works?
Sweet call by the way.


LIke Pirate Cat Radio?


I might be a volunteer for that. sounds fun!


Does anyone know when the auditions are? I haven't seen a date listed yet.


Make recently announced some tryouts-- on February 17, 2008, noon – 4pm. at The Exploratorium,


(Spidra, I swear you're everywhere at once ;) )


If only! Then I would have seen this when you posted it instead of 4 days later. Sheesh, Make's sure giving a lot of notice on these tryouts, eh? Do you know how hard it is herding non-profit cats together to get the idea ready and to tryout? :-)


hey you guys might enjoy this event happening down at NASA Ames on the peninsula next month (April 12 to be exact). bunch of good speakers (e.g. Will Wright, Stuart Brandt, Saul Griffith) , technology and DIY stuff. its called Yuri's Night Bay Area.

check it out: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/417732/


Yay, my project just got accepted! Now to actually make it all work in time, that will be the challenge.


I'll be there! I have a table at the Bazaar Bizarre craft fair where I'll have all of my 'geek meets rock n' roll' tees for guys & girls, super cute onesies & bibs for baby, fun jewelry and more!

Come find me & say hi... and even better, if you mention this post (or say "I want my $2!), you'll get $2 off!


Hopefully I'll have a friend or two helping me so I can go see some of the super cool projects, too! Such a great event.


I've been looking forward to attending this event all year! And what do I do? Book a trip to Asia, smack in the middle. Nice Adler.

Have fun all. I'll have to follow along via Flickr / Twitter, and elsewhere.


just a quick fyi:

We're running an impromptu mass polaroid shoot in front of the mouse trap at noon on sunday.

here's the listing:


This was a total fiasco. I spent 1:45 getting there, finding NO PARKING, then leaving. Hooray, it's super popular. Time for a NEW VENUE.


@justin - I rode my bike past the huge line of waiting cars, and parked for free at the attended bike parking lot.



@dogpics - Hey dude, I don't own a bike. Also, my farts don't smell like flowers.


@justin: it looks like they handled parking a bit better today. They had overflow parking at Hayward Park Caltrain and a few other places, and had shuttle buses running continuously.


@polpo: good to know. Next year I will take Cal Train for sure, but I heard that even once you were at the venue, it took another hour in line to get tickets. It seemed pretty unreasonable logistically, so I just wonder if it caught them by surprise, or did they not know what they were doing? The first year was a breeze.


On Saturday the redirected parking back & forth among already full lots.It took me over an hour from getting off from 101 till I finally got out of my car. Another 15min or so till I was at the gate.
Have a competition to design a functioning parking flow management system.

Only good news -- my name was on the will-call list and so I could skip that long waiting line at the ticket booths.


@justin, my understanding is that Saturday attendance exceeded total attendance for all of last year's events, both cities, all days, so it's no surprise that infrastructure was stretched some.

The best way in: be part of a project... as a "Maker", you get a half-day preview and early access.

All: Mark your calendars now and plan to attend for 2009:


@raines: word!


Way too crowded. Need either new venue or 3 days (fri, sat, sun). I spent 1.5 hours getting there on saturday.


LOVED IT!!! I posted a review with video and photos on LEGENDmag!!



@pinhole: was traffic/parking the issue? Or ticket lines? Or both?

As a "Maker", we actually were there for up to 4 days, between setup and "Meet the Makers" preview and students' day Friday... it would be hard to take more than that without arranging to pay us somehow.