15748 Redmond Way
Redmond, Washington 98052

The Way of the Toddler – Support for Spiritual Moms.

Join Leta Hamilton for an evening of laughter and mutual support as discusses strategies for staying connected to Spirit even in the midst of poopy diapers and piles of laundry.

“This is our time to bring it all together – our spiritual beliefs and our day to day tasks as busy moms. Let dad put the kids to bed tonight and come join in this conversation about the deeper meaning of life, of motherhood and we can access the awareness of the gift of each and every moment.” Leta Hamilton.
Cost is $20, includes Leta’s book, “The way of the Toddler: The Craziness of Modern Motherhood and the Spiritual Lessons I learned from my Zen Masters in Diapers”

Contact: letahamilton3834@comcast.net (RSVP or just come along!).

For information on Leta, her book and her workshops please visit www.thewayofthetoddler.com.

Sunday, March 14, Soul Food Bookstore, 15748 Redmond Way, Redmond, WA, 6:30 – 8PM.

Added by Leta Hamilton on March 8, 2010

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