The Way of Jesus in PrayerPastor Juanita Rasmus is a Spiritual Director and Contemplative.
She co-pastors St. John's United Methodist Church in Downtown Houston
along with her husband Rudy.
How often have we cried out I dont know how to pray, my prayers
seem to only reach the ceiling, or I am stuck in my prayer routine?
John 15 offers us an incredible opportunity to come to know prayer as
Jesus offers us an incredible opportunity to come to know prayer as
Jesus did, communicating lovingly, with a listening ear, toward our
Heavenly God. We will ponder the scriptures and exercise the principles
Jesus modeled in this often overlooked way of being with God. Pastor
Juanita will teach and asks that you bring your bible and a yearning
for more of the ABIDING life with God. See ya there! Day: Saturdays
Spring Semester:April 25th
Fall Semester:October 17th
Time: 9am-noon
Suggested Offering:$15 or Love Offering
Organized by The Inner Healing InstituteThe Inner Healing Institute, is the education department of Serenity Retreat for Healing and Spiritual Renewal -www.InnerHealingInstitute.org
Ticket Info: Register Now, $15.00
Official Website: http://wayofjesusinprayer-upcoming.eventbrite.com