Ann Arbor, Michigan

"Please join us in fighting injustice against women, particularly women of
color, who are disproportionately affected by Michigan drug sentencing
laws. Please come to the YK Lounge of South Quad this Wednesday, the 17th,
to lend your support by writing a letter to Michigan legislators in an
effort to change current sentencing laws and madatory minimums that leave
women to suffer. Find out more about these discriminatory and hurtful laws
and their race & gender oppressions by attending this event and taking

We are working with Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM), a national
nonprofit organization founded in 1991 to challenge inflexible and
excessive penalties required by mandatory sentencing laws. FAMM promotes
sentencing policies that give judges the discretion to distinguish between
defendants and sentence them according to their role in the offense,
seriousness of the offense and potential for rehabilitation. FAMM does not
argue that crime should go unpunished - but the punishment must fit the

The event is open to all students & only takes a few minutes of your

Please contact with any questions, or visit the
FAMM website at for more information on mandatory minimums."

Added by tomo on November 16, 2004

Interested 1