20330 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Cupertino, California 95014

Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP) presents
An event hosted by Symantec Corporation

Phishing, Pharming, Trojan Horses, Identity Theft. The internet is not a safe place.

Learn how alliances between friends and foes in the security world collaborate to address the challenge of internet crime.

**Cybercrime defined: what are the threats
**How do we collaborate with each other and the government in countering these threats and in protecting our customers
**The Partner network and technology initiatives to fight security threats
**How can you protect yourself

Greg Levine, Senior Director, Product Marketing, Symantec Corporation

Dave Anderson, Chairman of the Board, Sendmail, Inc.

Register Now! Online registration available until May 2, 2006.

ASAP Members: $20
APICS Members: $25
SVAMA Members, SDForum and SVASE Members: $30
Nonmembers: $40

On-site registration is $45 for everyone, so we encourage you to register in advance online:

David Anderson, Chairman Sendmail Inc.
David Anderson has more than 35 years of experience in technology businesses in all functional areas including general management, engineering, business development, strategic planning, marketing, and operations. As president and chief executive officer, Anderson profitably grew Sendmail, Inc.'s operations from $5m to $25m annual revenue while creating Sendmail as a global security company. Dave is currently Chairman and focusing on overall business opportunities.
Website: http://www.strategic-alliances.org/chapters/siliconvalley/index.htm
Email: ASAP-SiliconValley@att.net
Phone: 877-426-8501

Official Website: http://www.strategic-alliances.org/chapters/siliconvalley/index.htm%20

Added by FullCalendar on April 24, 2006

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