Patanjali, Shri K Pattabhi Jois, You - the Student, The System, The Method, The Result.
This weekend workshop will take the System of Patanjali (Ashtanga) and the method of practice by Shri K Pattabhi Jois (Vinyasa) to explore our wholeness (Yoga). John will share from his own personal practice experience how the Victorious Breath is the central focus of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. The group will be given techniques to control the breath, and then, through the control of the breath, attain control of both body and mind.
"Through breath control comes mind control"
Shri K Pattabhi Jois
Friday July 10th 7.45pm - 9.45pm
With Sound - The Victorious Breath
To begin this workshop John will bring the group together through the ujjayi breath technique, and, through the power of the breath, the group will find themselves flowing as one breath, one body, one mind and one consciousness.
Saturday July 11th 10.00 - 12.30pm
Counted Method
This class will start with a brief 1% theory session of why and how the counted method can transform asana linked to asana into a dynamic flowing meditation. The 1% information will then be explored in a 'dynamic' play with the number one focus of Ashtanga Vinyasa, the 'Count'.
Saturday July 11th 2.30pm - 4.30pm
Stiff Mind, Stiff Body - The Breath Within the Breath
Following on from the morning session this class will take the physical experience gained in the morning and explore how the body rides the breath. We will then observe how our thoughts also ride the breath, and take a brief look at the breath within the breath.
Sunday July 12th 10.00am - 12.30pm
Practice, Practice, Practice
Returning to the mat, putting the 1% theory into a 100% practice session, flowing through the Primary Series with both the inner and outer breath. (Note: Depending on the level of the group, John may take the class into the beginning of the Second Series).
Sunday July 12th 2.30pm - 4.30pm
How Ashtanga Yoga Really Works
What are we really doing when we say we are practising yoga? A look at the science and philosophy of yoga on the mat, and yoga off the mat.
For all levels except complete beginners.
If booking for more than one person, please do so by calling 020 7483 3344.
Added by gstar on March 9, 2009