Host: The Heritage Foundation. This autumn the countries of Central and Eastern Europe are commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the fall of communism. In November 1989, the Velvet Revolution, in then Czechoslovakia, started the journey of the Slovak and Czech nations toward freedom, democracy, prosperity, and partnership with the United States. In the twenty years that have elapsed since the Velvet Revolution, Slovakia has traveled a long and successful road. Today, Slovakia is a proud member of NATO and a strategic partner, friend and close ally of the United States. The successful transformation of the countries of the region from former Cold War adversaries of the United States and the free world into prosperous democratic partners and vital allies in NATO is truly remarkable and merits further exploration. U.S. Ambassadors to Slovakia and Slovak Ambassadors to the United States were among the many people who helped shape history and advance economic partnership. Join us as our panelists share their unique insight into the political and economic challenges faced by both countries as well as the events that continue to define the relationship between Slovakia and the United States.
Added by insideronline on November 16, 2009