192 Manchester Street
Christchurch, null

Talk tech. Eat. A veritable dinner of eating and tech talking.

Here's your invitation for this month's dinner:

What: The Valley in Christchurch Tech Dinner
When: 6:00pm Thursday 9th April 2009
Where: Maru Japanese Restaurant, 192 Manchester Street, Christchurch

Located just down from The Civic:


We hope you can make it or join us for the likely post-dinner beverages.

Please pass this invitation along to any friends or colleagues
who might be interested, here's our spiel:

The best thing about Silicon Valley is the people and the casual
conversations that lead to bigger things. These often happen in
restaurants. Christchurch has restaurants and it has techy
people so why not bring the two together?

Who: You!

Added by myelin on April 4, 2009