The Vagina Monologues is an amazing play created to educate people about violence against women and girls worldwide and here at home. TVM also celebrates many female experiences-from tampons to orgasms to childbirth-it is a storybook that the whole audience will enjoy. You will experience tears, anger, and laughter. Men are more then welcome and always give positive feedback after the show.
Please help us raise $30,000.00 for the YWCA Safe Haven Program: "Getting young girls off the streets and back into their lives." Teenage prostitution exists in our city. Let's work together to give these amazing girls a message of hope and let them know that they are not alone. Tickets can be bought at any Ticketmaster or by calling 777-0000. Please join our mission and spread the word to everyone you know. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Official Website:
Added by TheVaginaMonologues on January 28, 2007