The Unlocking of Desires and Fantasy - Artworks by Rupande. Rupandes recent body of work The Unlocking of Desires and Fantasy realizes that feminism can be empowered by seduction. Her women have the immediacy, force and warmth of a life that have an almost animal quality. The vibrating contours of still and moving bodies are enhanced with a palette of bright fluorescent colours. Private becomes public here but without harming the private sphere, because the apparently real and documentary represents only one possibility, a fictional almost surreal vision of what goes on in a womens mind in an everyday existence. By fragmenting the narrative thread, her work starts at the interface of narrative cinema as a dream factory and the documentary promise of photography. These works artistically examine both philosophical and psychological questions of human identity in the clash between truth and fiction, fantasy and futuristic fusion. Two phenomena exist in parallel, there is an atmosphere of desire in which female and male bodies in the negative and positive space superimpose and intermingle into one another subtlely until the eye sees images congeal into a whole manifest themselves. Her monochrome canvas grounds in green, purple, magenta or orange merge into multicolour fluorescent blends. She relies on the undiminished pleasure derived from looking the spectators almost voyeuristic penetration into the intimate sphere of the women she portrays.
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Added by buzzintown india on April 29, 2009