6845 Milwaukee Avenue
Niles, Illinois

MAY is the kick off show of the Summer Season & we highly encourage you to take advantage of these quality vendors available to you direct, here @ The MAY UNIK SHOW! Vendors from all over Illinois & The Midwest are featured as well as Out-Of-State Exhibitors with Sales Reps on hand to answer all your questions & take your wholesale orders!
The UNIK SHOW is a private 2 1/2 DAY EVENT
hosting Complimentary Open Attendance For ALL Retailers & Business Owners
in the Urban & Street Fashion & Accessories Industry!

Registration takes place ALL DAY LONG, ending 15 MINS prior to end of each show day.
You are welcome to attend all days or please come network for a few hours!
TUES 5.1 @ 11AM-10PM | WED 5.2 @ 11AM-10PM | THURS 5.4 @ 11AM-6PM
SHOW Information:
1. Please carefully READ through our show Rules & Regulations (updates have occurred since past shows)
3. All attending Exhibitors & Retailers MUST wear a UNIK Show BADGE @ all times while inside the venue.
This is crucial for the safety of our show that everyone complies by wearing a NAME BADGE.
IF you lose your name badge, please seek assistance @ the Registration desk
4. VENUE: WHITE EAGLE BANQUETS, 6845 North Milwaukee Avenue, Niles, IL 60714
5. PLEASE VISIT us ONLINE @www.facebook.com/TheUNIKShow for current updates & advertisements!
SHOW Rules & Regulations:
1. All Retailers must Register & Obtain Name Badges from our Registration Desk PRIOR to entering the show room floors
2. Please bring a valid Photo ID [Acceptable ID's include: Driver's License, State ID, FOID Card, Passport, Bank Card, Club Membership, etc]
3. Please bring a current Business Card FOR US TO KEEP, as we are updating our systems & will keep them for our records. For verification purposes, it is important that the name on the Photo ID MATCHES the name on the business card. IF unavailable to provide Business Card, PLEASE bring in your Business TAX ID Form we can review for alternate verification.
4. Anyone UNDER THE AGE OF 16 will NOT be allowed access inside the show rooms due to safety reasons. PLEASE have a guardian present to watch your child(ren) in the Lobby area. Additionally, White Eagle has an Arcade/Game Room they may utilize.
VISIT us online for more information @ https://www.facebook.com/TheUNIKShow

Official Website: http://unikshowmay.eventbrite.com/

Added by MuseMel on April 16, 2012

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