This !interactive musical game show comedy,' hosted by NYC Sensation Sweetie, has contestants, male and female, from all walks of life pitted against one another in a battle for drag superstardom. Since 2005, 'The Ultimate Drag Off' has been entertaining audiences in two previous successful off-off Broadway runs in NYC. The colorful !cast' of contestants is an ever-changing weekly roster with some of your favorite and undiscovered talent from across the country in a wacky glamour-fest with brainy categories, comedic camp and live musical performances. Audiences can expect special surprise guest co-hosts from Stage, Film/TV and NYC nightlife. In the form of '70s game shows such as !Let's Make a Deal' and !The Gong Show' mixed with !America's Got Talent,' this laugh-out-loud romp is a NYC treasure where the audience decides the outcome of the evening and gets to bestow the winner with the coveted !Drag Off' crown and sends the losers home with lovely parting gifts. The winner of the night returns the following week to defend his/her crown against new contestants. The evening begins 30 minutes prior to curtain with music, giveaways, drinks and an opportunity for the audience to socialize.
Added by Upcoming Robot on January 12, 2011