319 N. Market Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106

Come on our for our VIP "Ultimate Beer Tasting" Event at GiGi Restaurant & Lounge on Thursday April 26th at 6:30pm - "Suds & Sliders". Grab your friends, family, and co-workers, you are in for a special treat! This awesome event will feature craft beers, food, ambiance, atmosphere, and new friends to mingle with all while learning about beer & food.
Sample 13 different Craft Beers on tap and multiple additional bottled craft beer, Indulge in a lavish buffet, walk away with a brand spankin' new pint glass - yours to keep as you leave, gift certificates for lunch or dinner dining at GiGi in the future, a $5 gift certificate off Beerfest at the Ballpark (May 5, 2012) ... and much, much more!!!

Official Website: http://www.upcomingevents.com/event/10096/yahoo

Added by UpcomingEvents on April 17, 2012