The TwangBang’s throwing the 3rd Annual Halloween Hootenanny the Friday before All Hallow's Eve, Oct. 26th. This is going to be one of the biggest parties of the season, friends and neighbors, a regular Carnival of Sin.
Come on out and shake a tail feather to the lightning fast black and bluegrass of the Monads as they take you on a ride that’s akin to boarding an out of control steam locomotive with an engineer that’s drunk on bourbon…
Let the Candy-Coated Salvation of Strawfoot soothe yer weary ears and save yer wretched souls, as they make fire and brimstone sound sweet…
Let the beautiful ladies of the Alley Cat Revue Burlesque tickle yer senses, git yer blood racing and fuel your dreams for years to come as they teach you all about those seven deadly sins…
A night at the Halloween Hootenanny is Guaranteed to cure whatever ails you, brothers and sisters of the congregation... It’s good for Scarlet Fever, the Black Plague, Yellow fever, or any other color of infectious disease.
All this plus special guests, cheap booze, and much, much more…there might even be a circus freak or two, ya just never know. So git yer costumes ready, lest you be outdone again this year by the Monads, and mark yer calendars for the party of the year. October’s drawing near, repent.
Official Website:
Added by strawfoot on September 4, 2007