++ Trampoline hall is this:
++ Three ordinary people lecture on a subject of their own choosing,
++ but outside their area of expertise. Talk of pop culture is frowned upon.
++ Questions are taken from the audience, and drinks are amply available.
On Wednesday March 22, we will be holding a Trampoline Hall that will ALSO be
the launch party for Sheila Heti's novel, TICKNOR, published by FSG.
Here is what we can tell you about Wednesday's show:
a) Aaron Mate will deliver a lecture on a subject as yet unknown.
b) Sheila Heti will deliver a lecture entitled "Why Go Out", which will
evaluate the necessity of socializing.
c) Stephen Lack has accepted a challenge from his son, Asher Lack. Stephen
will appear on stage and Asher will hand him a lecture in a sealed
envelope, which Stephen has not seen before, on a topic undisclosed to him.
The nature of Stephen's relationship with his son leads him to some
trepidation about the possible contents of this envelope. He will deliver
the lecture as written, and will be given time to respond before the Q&A
Each lecture is followed by a question-and-answer period. As always, more
than anything, what we want is for you to come to the show and ask good
The Trampoline Hall Lectures: Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Doors at 7:30, show at 8:00 sharp. $7
The Slipper Room: 167 Orchard Street
to get on the email list for trampoline hall announcements, write to:
Added by mishax on March 20, 2006