+ Trampoline hall is this:
+ Three ordinary people lecture on a
+ subject of their own choosing, but
+ outside their area of expertise. Talk
+ of pop culture is frowned upon.
+ Questions are taken from the
+ audience, and drinks are amply available.
On July 6, Here's how it's gonna be:
1) Jesse Cohen will speak about the world's greatest female ping-pong player. She's a Romanian Jewish woman who rose to prominence in the thirties and suffered a lot of anti-Semitism and sexism. She's still around and doesn't want her story published anywhere. Jesse will tell it quietly, in the semi-privacy of our lecture series.
2) Steve Young will talk about "Industrial musicals" -- full-length musicals written to motivate sales forces and other employees at corporate conventions. Steve first discovered these while looking for laughable records to feature on a popular late-night talk show where he works as a writer. He now has a massive collection of these records, and a strong preservationist mission. What began in mockery ends in love.
3) Doretta Lau will speak on the plight of Canadian immigrants in the U.S. For the safety of those concerned, we can tell you no more than this.
PLUS: We will take on those name-stealing bastards from
Trampoline House! Do not be confused. Trampoline Hall
is the lecture series you have grown to love since 2001.
Trampoline House are no-good thieving upstarts only
out to trick you!
Tuesday, July 6
The Slipper Room
167 Orchard Street, Manhattan
7:30 doors, 8p show; $7
+++ For more information: http://www.trampolinehall.net/
+++ to get on our monthly mailing list, or to lecture:
+++ everyone@trampolinehall.net
Added by mishax on July 2, 2004