Seminars By Joyce - The Total You, Inc.Presents"The Total You Conference" 2009
Join our diverse panel of experts as they share their knowledge and wisdom in an interactive forum on the following topics:
Health, Fitness, Finances, Self-Esteem, Self-Image and Self-Worth
Leave empowered with the tools to be the best you can be
Network with professional women from diverse backgrounds
Know that it is "You" who can make the difference in your life
Restore your vision and revive your passion for living!Join this group of powerful women for an experiencethat will change your life!
Relax! Rejuvenate! Reclaim!Early Registration: $35 before February 28, 2009Registration Fee: $45 on March 1, 2009
Organized by Seminars by Joyce - The Total You, Inc.Joyce Dungee Proctor, the founder and president of Seminars by Joyce -
The Total You, Inc., is a professional speaker and consultant
specializing in keynotes, seminars and workshops customized to meet the
unique needs of each client and audience. Joyces mission is to inspire
individuals to Take the Limits Off - to break the barriers that hold
us back from making changes to improve our lives. Joyce provides her
audience with the necessary tools to take them to the next level to
experience a more purposeful and rewarding personal and professional
life. Founded in 2005, Seminars by Joyce - The Total You, Inc. is a
true catalyst to inspire others to achieve their goals.
Ticket Info: Registration (Breakfast Included), $45.00
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/266825081/upcoming