“The Tender Touch: Therapeutic Massage Techniques for Couples”
Join Susan Miller, CMT for this hands on workshop designed exclusively for couples.
Learn to use the healing power of touch and aromatherapy on your partner. Susan will teach you basic massage strokes and techniques that reduce stress and induce unmitigated relaxation!
Irisha Brown, M. Ed., Intimacy Coach, will teach you how to use Essential Oils and aromatherapy to increase feelings of well-being and ease, and take your therapeutic massage to the next level!
Workshop Date: Sat. Jan. 31, 2009
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Location: 217 Glenridge Avenue, Montclair, NJ
Tel. 973.509.1587
Fee: Early Registration $110 through Jan. 21
After Jan. 21 $125
Official Website: http://www.intimate-engagements.com/calendar.php
Added by Irisha B. on January 15, 2009