686 F Street
Arcata, California 95521

It is in the arena of singing and songwriting though, that the true gem of whom John Ludington can be shines with the greatest passion. John is a master craftsman of lyric and melody. He is a true embodiment of acoustic eclectic music and uses it to penetrate the paradoxes and joys of being human. Songwriting is his vessel to reflect back to the world the intricate beauty and complexity that escape everyday speech and thought. When John Ludington takes the stage his humble presence gradually evolves into a compelling force that conjures up memory and reflection with humor and insight. Johns music invites you to listen to the stories and perspectives of life that refresh and energize us -johnludington.com-

John Ludington

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of humcity.

Added by Humboldt on June 8, 2006