611 SW Tenth at Alder
Portland, Oregon 97205

Join us for an enlightening discussion as we explore sustainability issues in the Manufacturing, Technology and Energy sectors.
Introductory Address by Gordon Brinser, Vice President of Operations, SolarWorld Industries America.

Panelists: Lorie Wigle, G.M. of Eco-Technology Program Office for Intel; Bill Nicholson, PGE Vice President; and Jake Nichol, CEO, Leatherman Tool Group.

Questions: Contact Kristy Ellis – kellis@bizjournals.com or 503.219.3427

Additional special publications and luncheons in the series are:

* Sept. 12, 2008 - Sustainable Resources for Urban and Rural Development
* Nov. 21, 2008 (at the NIKE Campus) - The Sustainable Path to Worldwide Leadership

Tickets to the Sustainability Luncheon are $45 when pre-paid online by May 30, 2008 and $50 thereafter and at the door. Reserved tables of 10 with priority seating may be purchased for $400, or $450 after May 30. Ticket price is non-refundable after May 30. Checks can be mailed to The Business Journal at 851 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 500, Portland 97204. Credit card information can be faxed to (503) 227-2650. Payment in advance guarantees your reservation in case the event is sold out. Questions? Call Events Assistant, Kristy Ellis at 503-219-3427.

Official Website: http://www.bizjournals.com/portland/event/4057?mp=3

Added by slozito on May 20, 2008