It’s Movember, so gentlemen (and ladies), become a Movember Member, join my Urban Mo Team and start you Mo’s! Or, in the case of Mo Sista’s, support the Mo! Do your part to help raise money for Prostate Cancer Research and experience the joy that is the Mo.
What’s Movember, you ask? Here’s what it’s all about… right from the Movember website:
“The idea for Movember was sparked in 2003 over a few beers in Melbourne, Australia. The guys behind it joked about 80s fashion and decided it was time to bring the moustache back. In order to justify their Mos (Australian slang for moustache), they used their new looks to raise money for prostate cancer research… never dreaming that facial hair would ultimately lead to a global movement that would get men talking about a taboo subject – their health.
A Mo Bro starts Movember – the month formerly known as November – clean shaven, (ok, I am cheating a bit on this part) and grows a moustache all month long, garnering support from friends and family in the form of donations. What’s more, a Mo Bro is a walking billboard for the cause as his new look opens the door for him to talk about prostate cancer – making the moustache a symbol, much like the pink ribbon is for breast cancer. Each Movember culminates in a Gala Partè in major cities around the globe where Mo Bros dress up to match their Mo, channeling the likes of Tom Selleck, Ghandi and Ron Burgundy, vying for the ultimate accolade: Man of Movember.
While growing a Mo is left to the guys, Mo Sistas (women who support their guys) form an important part of Movember by recruiting Mo Bros, helping to raise funds and attending the highly anticipated Gala Partés.
The money raised in Canada goes directly to Prostate Cancer Canada. Prostate Cancer Canada will use the money raised by Movember for the development of programs related to awareness, public education, advocacy, support of those affected, and research into the prevention, detection, treatment and cure of prostate cancer.
In 2008 the Movember campaign in Canada raised $2.4 million making it the largest charity event for men. Significantly, awareness of men’s health issues has improved with Movember helping to spread important health messages directly to thousands of Mo Bros & Sistas.”
So there it is. Movember in a nutshell. For my part, Jungle Swing will be hosting a Movember Stomp it Off! on Movember 21st with Mark and Jim Djing. There will be donation boxes at Stomp it Off! all month and we will be choosing our Vancouver Swingin’ Man of Movember on the 21st! Be That Man, grow the Mo!
To top it all off, for the Movember Stomp it Off! on the 21st I will donate $1.00 from each admission received at the door to the Movember prostate cancer research fund. As such, I want you to give me a hand. Bring a friend to Stomp it Off! on Movember 21st and lets fill the place! You can also help out by joining my Urban Mo Team and making a donation online or at the Stomp it Off! dance all Movember long.
This Movember, join me in being a Hero for Men’s Health. Grow a Mo or, if your a Sista, support a Bro growing a Mo!
Official Website:
Added by Urbanred on November 13, 2009